O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. —PSALM 63:1

Devotional: DAY1
David composed this Psalm when he was in the wilderness of Judah. Out there, he was far from familiar comforts—including readily available food and drink—and the everyday rhythms of life. This drove him towards God in desperation. He sought God with his whole being, because he could not find life elsewhere. When he did, David found that God’s presence brought true fulfillment. Centuries later, Jesus faced a similar experience. The Word says, “Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And after fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry”
(Matthew 4:12).
He faced hunger and want in the wilderness along with the most alluring temptations our common enemy could muster—and He did it willingly. He did it to obey God the Father and overcome all temptation for us. We can follow His example, relying on God and His Word for sustenance rather than the constant supply of food and busyness with which we often live daily. For many of us, heading into the wilderness—somewhere in nature free from distraction—is critical. It can help us cleanse our minds and hearts by focusing only on the input God brings. But for others, we have quiet spaces in our lives where we can meet with God. We just need to set aside the time, as we would for anything important to us. Fasting from food can also be helpful, because the hunger we feel can remind us of our need for God, teaching our soul to be hungry and to respond by seeking Him. The length of your fast is really between you and God, but the key is for it to be done with Him and for Him. Fast and feast on Jesus today!
I unfortunately did not have much success in fasting. I fasted from too, much TV could have done better. I was in God's Word more, esp. using the Scripture guidance.
Hi, what’s the goal here?